new books 2016


Jayne Cortez, Adrienne Rich, and the Feminist Superhero: Voice, Vision, politics and Performance in U.S. Contemporary Women's Poetics

Lexington Books

Released March 2016

Edited by Laura Hinton


312 pages. Hardcover ($95.99) & electronic (available soon).  PROMOTION CODE: LEX30AUTH16



Ubermütter’s Death Dance

by Laura Hinton

Blazevox Books, Released April 2016









"Out of LA: a Tribute to Jayne Cortez"

This panel tribute to the great jazz poet Jayne Cortez was held at the L.A. Convention Center on April 2, as part of the AWP Conference. Aldon Lynn Nielson, Jennifer Bryant-Ryan, Pam Ward, and Laura Hinton gave papers, with Patricia Spears Jones moderating.  Several family members of Cortez were also at the panel, including her husband, the sculptor Melvin Edwards, and her sister Shawn. This event was organized by Laura Hinton. Thank you to Aldon Nielson for providing the AUDIO RECORDING BELOW:

Recent Poetry video

"In the Winter of My Paris" is a two-part poetry video whose subject is the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. Using images of the Paris March following the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher supermarket killings in January 2015, it also forms a commentary on racism in contemporary France. Layering French ideals of "liberty" and freedom of expression represented by the Charlie Hebdo artists over France's current reality of ethnic and racial violence, the poetry video also offers a personal and political meditation on motherhood, loss, and memory--in a place once believed to be "the city of light."  Structured in two parts, both are named for Parisian "goddess" figures: "Marianne" and "Notre Dame." "In the Winter of My Paris" was published on line in the journal Red Fez in March 2015. Part One, "Marianne," was also featured the same month on the site